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This Day in Dodgers History
June 25th

2 Fact(s) Found
1968 Bobby Bonds hits a grand slam in the third at-bat of his first major league game, going deep off Dodger right-hander John Purdin in the Giants' 9-0 victory at Candlestick Park. The 22-year-old San Francisco outfielder joins Philadelphia National pitcher Bill Duggelby (1898 - first at-bat) as the only player to hit a bases-loaded home run in his major league debut.
1984 Dodger infielder Bill Russell plays his 1,953rd game to become the team's leader in games played. The shortstop, who will extend the mark to 2181 during his 18-year tenure with the club, is hitless in three trips to the plate but will walk twice in LA's 9-4 loss to San Diego at Chavez Ravine.

2 Fact(s) Found